Ukraine referenda: the people speak Soviet legacy inspires the working class in the struggle against fascism.
UKIP: an exercise in misdirection Those of the disillusioned British electorate who bothered to vote at all on 22 May registered a huge protest vote against the three established parties of British capital. Unfortunately, they allowed their ‘protest’ to be directed in the interests of the very big business that has caused their anger in the first place.
The liberation of Homs: another nail in the coffin for the West’s proxy war Imperialism is doomed to defeat, but is nevertheless doing all in its power to prolong the agony of the Syrian masses.
Thailand’s twelfth military coup Democracy is meaningless when its outcome doesn't suit the ruling class.
Sinn Féin advances north and south In attempting to frame Gerry Adams the British state has picked up a rock only to drop it on its own feet.
Thailand’s twelfth military coup Democracy is meaningless when its outcome doesn't suit the ruling class.
Sinn Féin advances north and south In attempting to frame Gerry Adams the British state has picked up a rock only to drop it on its own feet.
Red Salute to Comrade Khwezi Kadalie A principled and dedicated Marxist, a brave freedom fighter, an unshakeable proletarian internationalist and a beloved comrade.
Criminalising the poor New benefit rules seek to humiliate and punish the unemployed for the failings of the system.
No cure for the intractable social problems and human misery created by capitalism A social worker reflects on the difficulty and frustration of their job under capitalism and on the need to fight for the alternative.
‘Workers are the gunpowder, education is the spark’ A former political prisoner explains the government’s motivations for bringing in a ban that prevents prisoners receiving books from outside.
Quantitative easing described as ‘Robin Hood tax in reverse’ The rich keep the money, the poor meet the bill.
Rich List 2014: Poor man’s poison is a rich man’s meat This year’s Rich List has provided a perfect illustration of what is wrong with our society, as austerity for the many has led to fantastic enrichment for the few.
Brazil 2014 – the people’s World Cup Communists utilise international spectaculars for sustainable development and to advance the struggle.