Viva Palestina 3 – zionists nil Humanitarian convoy reaches Gaza in spite of severe Egyptian obstruction.
Haiti: solidarity yes; occupation no! Once again, US forces have bludgeoned their way into Port au Prince. No matter how much their arrival is dressed up as an exercise in philanthropy by Uncle Sam, supposedly rescuing this ‘failed state’ from the worst consequences of the recent horrendous earthquake, the reality is quite different.
Capitalists fail to tackle climate change at Copenhagen But an attempt to push the burden of climate change onto developing countries has been thwarted by China.
Obama and Brown: warmongers The Afghan war is being escalated further, but no amount of extra troops will save the occupation forces from defeat at the hands of the growing resistance movement.
Obama and Brown: warmongers The Afghan war is being escalated further, but no amount of extra troops will save the occupation forces from defeat at the hands of the growing resistance movement.
Czech communists under threat A request for support and solidarity with the CPBM (Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia).
Bring the war criminals to justice! The following letter from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) was signed by a long list of MPs, human-rights lawyers and academics and published in the Guardian of 16 January.
Jack Shapiro lives forever in our hearts! The CPGB-ML mourns the loss of its oldest member and Honorary President, a lifelong fighter for the British working class and for the oppressed peoples of the world.
Jack speaks out against Israeli zionism Transcription of Jack Shapiro’s speech at a meeting in January 2009, during the bombardment of Gaza.
New evidence of Korean War atrocities Truth and Reconciliation Commission confirms mass murder of civilians by pro-American forces.
Korea calls to boost living standards and raise prestige of socialism New Year editorial sets tasks for 2010.
Industry matters: BA – the strike that never happened South Wales signallers; Break the link with Labour; BA - the strike that never happened; Blacklists: class war offensive by the bourgeoisie.
International friendship dinner CPGB-ML celebrates the new year with comrades from the socialist countries.
The US-backed bombing of Yemen Obama seeks to extend US dominance to Yemen, under the familiar pretext of the ‘war on terror’.