Commemorate the Nakba; down with Israeli zionism!
Featuring a talk by Ranjeet Brar, followed by a short film, music and food.
Download meeting leaflet.
Join us to commemorate the Nakba, the genocidal campaign that launched the ethnic cleansing of Palestineby Israeli zionism.
We have arrived at a defining moment, in which more and more people are realising that the Palestinian issue cannot be brushed under the carpet anymore; that it is not a question of Arabs or muslims v jews but of a permanent war being waged against innocent people in order to control their entire region.
Throughout the world, and especially in the middle east, people from all classes and backgrounds are taking part in huge demonstrations. They are taking a stand at their workplaces and in their universities, and are challenging their governments’ support for zionist Israel and complicity in its crimes. Many have been arrested or fired for standing up for justice.
The events of 7 October and the inhuman response of Israel and its western backers have shown the world that the real terrorists are not the Palestinian resistance forces defending their people with handmade missiles from tunnels deep under their land. The true terrorists wear impeccable suits and speak the language of democracy and peace, but they don’t hesitate to starve and bomb thousands of children and unarmed civilians to preserve their profits.
In the 76 years following the Nakba of 1948, the Palestinian people have been resisting with incredible resilience the attempt to eradicate them from their land, one of the world’s most longstanding and heroic resistance movements against overwhelming odds. Keeping the keys of their stolen homes close to their hearts, they have never given up their faith in ultimate success – that one day they will return to a liberated land and begin to rebuild their devastated nation.
Dr Ranjeet Brar is one of many British people who are being persecuted for telling the truth about Palestine and about the genocidal essence of zionism. His talk at this event will be followed by the screening of a short film that celebrates the spirit of Palestinian resistance, and a social with music and food.
Join us to show your solidarity with the people of Palestine and to help us in our efforts to organise the anti-zionist and anti-imperialist resistance in Britain.
None of us is free until Palestine is free!