World TV Ranjeet Brar: The relationship between the Ukraine conflict and oil Why does the USA pursue such a self-defeating strategy on oil?
Ukraine Imperialist governments and media aid and abet Ukronazi war crimes With the full backing of western war and propaganda machines, Ukraine’s armed forces have perpetrated a string of atrocities – but the truth will out.
Europe Joti Brar and Garland Nixon ep5: EU farmers, the state and revolution What underlies the European farmers movement? How does it relate to questions of the state and state power?
Divide and rule Joti Brar on the connection between women’s liberation and socialism Does the fact that there are now women political leaders, surgeons and CEOs prove that the struggle for equality is a thing of the past?
World TV Scott Ritter and Ranjeet Brar: USA used 9/11 to justify global domination Only an understanding of imperialism can make sense of the global events of the last 25 years in general, and of the USA’s war drive in particular.
Ukraine Tempo likely to shift in Ukraine as east and south vote on joining Russia Partial mobilisation of military signals Russia’s determination firmly to protect any newly-joined regions and their citizens.
Britain Remembering Comrade Joyce Foster, founding member of our party One of many unsung heroes of our movement – those workers whose commitment never falters no matter the ups and downs of our movement.
Korea US-south Korean war games are fuelling the drive towards war in the Pacific The USA and its south Korean stooges are recklessly stoking the flames of war on the Korean peninsula by staging DPRK invasion and nuclear strike rehearsals.
Korea US-south Korean war games are fuelling the drive towards war in the Pacific The USA and its south Korean stooges are recklessly stoking the flames of war on the Korean peninsula by staging DPRK invasion and nuclear strike rehearsals.
Philippines The Philippines’ political capture: former US colony, future proxy The stooges doing Washington’s bidding in Manilla are putting their country on course to become the region’s Ukraine.
Philippines The Philippines’ political capture: former US colony, future proxy The stooges doing Washington’s bidding in Manilla are putting their country on course to become the region’s Ukraine.
Divide and rule Immigrants make vital contributions to British pensions and welfare benefits Population study shows that without the essential part played by immigrant workers, our pensions and social service provisions would collapse.
Pay and conditions P&O boss admits he couldn’t live on the starvation wage paid to his workers Toothless select committee hears how CEO agonised over accepting his £183k bonus after summarily dismissing 800 staff.
Ukraine Joti Brar: ‘Greek workers have power to play leading role against Nato in Europe’ Those who spread the lie that the conflict in Ukraine is an ‘interimperialist war’ are helping to demobilise the world’s most militant antiwar activists.
China Ella Rule: China’s history confirms that workers need a scientific socialist party Marxism is our most powerful weapon, if we can but learn how to use it.
Iran President Raisi has died, but the Axis of Resistance lives on! The masses everywhere have lost a great friend, but the strategy he followed and the ties he forged continue to pay dividends.
Iran President Raisi has died, but the Axis of Resistance lives on! The masses everywhere have lost a great friend, but the strategy he followed and the ties he forged continue to pay dividends.